Consumer Psychology

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Consumer Psychology

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Course: Tutor:
What is the primary research question being addressed
This research was solely done with the aim of identifying an alternative form of communication that socially secluded people may use and which would be beneficial to them individually as well as socially (Fang‐Chi and Sinha 409). Therefore, the most appropriate research questions would be; do socially excluded people depend on cognition in information processing and persuasive messages according to the state of their feelings?
What research methodology was used
The research adopts qualitative research in the first study where participants were required to visualize and write down the sensory details of the experiences that they may have had before (Fang‐Chi and Sinha 411). This was based on words and the feelings that the participants had. In the second study, quantitative research was used as participants were required to fill a questionnaire and the researchers later on performed calculations to come up with the extraversion score for each participant. The third and fourth study adopted quantitative research as well.
What conclusion is reached by the research?
From the research, it is evident that the dependence on feelings as compared to reasons in judgment significantly depends on individual and situational factors such as personal objectives and individual attitudes. The research also shows that emotional approaches will most likely help socially excluded individuals in choosi…

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