cons on vitamins and minerals

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cons on vitamins and minerals

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Nutrition and Diet

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Cons on Vitamins and Minerals
Overall, nearly half of the U.S. citizens use a certain type of supplement, with vitamin and mineral supplements being some of the most popular choices, according to the data in Kamangar, and Emadi (221). While there are advantages of using vitamins and mineral supplements, some supplements are quite unsafe to use. This paper looks into the cons of vitamins and mineral supplements. According to Kamangar, and Emadi (224), drawbacks of vitamins and mineral supplements may include 1) the risk of toxicity, 2) the risk of one becoming over-reliant on these supplements, and 3) the fear that they can trigger more harm than good if overused.
One of the most prominent challenges of vitamin and mineral supplements is that people tend to believe that they are perfect supplements for healthy, balanced diets. However, a preponderance of research shows that multivitamins are not entirely good. A healthy, balanced diet is the surest way of achieving good health. Vitamins and mineral supplements are designed for people who have problems with eating healthily. Kids who are fussy about taking vegetables and fruits are perfect examples in this case. Children are always active, and they run around a lot. Consequently, their energy and vitamin reserves burn up so fast that they need proper diets to support their activities, and multivitamins come in handy in this case.
Another shortcoming of vitamins and mineral supplements is t…

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