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Homeland Security

Homeland Security Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Homeland Security The US Citizenship and Immigration service work as part of the Homeland Security with the purpose of improving the state of immigration and citizenship in the country. The USCIS has taken an active step in overseeing the process of visa, and green cards are well managed, and the naturalizing process of immigrant operates under the federal requirements (Wolfinbarger, 2017). The agency shows commitment to helping immigrant became part of the American citizen and protected their interest against political attacks. Moreover, the agency reviews analyze and regulate the laws and policies that facilitate the process of...


/* C Program to Find Factors of a Number using While Loop */ #include <stdio.h> int main() {     int Number, i = 1;     printf("n Please enter a decimal number between 0 and 255n");     scanf("%d", &Number);     printf("n The factors of a number are:n");     while (1 <= Number)     {         if(Number%i == 0)         {             printf("%d ", i);         }         i++;     }     return...

WordASN-FirstInitialFullLastName Sect.#

Glen Morris Diabetes Association Preventative Approach New Initiatives to Avoid, Reduce, and Manage Diabetes Student Name Course Name and/or Course Code Course Instructor Due Date The Canadian Diabetes Association and member associations across Canada have and continue to understand the value of funding diabetes research. It is such a crucial step in providing these advances and each year the Canadian Diabetes Association funds Canada’s most renowned scientists and clinicians in their quest for new and innovative developments in the prevention, treatment, and management of diabetes all of which every study and researcher remain the same – to improve the quality of life of people...

Data Structures & Algorithm

Algorithm to Convert BST to DDL (Recursive Traversal of BST) public static int nodes = 0; public static DDListNode listHead;    public DDListNode TreeToList(OrderNode root) {      if (root != null) {          TreeToList(root->left); if (nodes==0) listHead = null; listHead = sortedInsert(listHead, root->data,root->deliveryPriority,root->datePlaced); TreeToList(root->right); } return listHead; } public DDListNode sortedInsert(DDListNode listHead, int data,int p,int d){ DDListNode listnode = new DDListNode(data,p,d); if...

Operating Systems

//Program for the SRTN Implementation #include<stdio.h>int main(){    int At,Bt,Ct,Dt, end time, e ,the least;    int rem=0,e ,time, summation_waitingtime=0,summation_turn_around_time=0;    printf("Write the Number of the Processes : ");    scanf("%d",&n);    for(a=0;a<n;a++)    {        printf("Write the Arrival time Proc%d : ",a+1);        scanf("%d",&At);        printf("write the burst time for the processes Proc%d : ",a+1);        scanf("%d",&Bt);        At=bt;    }    printf("nnProct| The Processes Turnaround Time| the Process Waiting Timenn");    Dt=0;    for(time given =0;remain!=n;time++)   ...

Scanning and Enumeration

Scanning and Enumeration Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Network scanning heavily and enumeration testing relies heavily on network tools and different techniques to check whether a network system or target device or system has some vulnerabilities. Scanning and enumeration are important in helping a network or system administrator determine the kind of vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers to compromise the information. Different tools have been employed to perform port scanning and enumeration each with varying proficiency level and different outputs. Incorporating port scanners in and various defensive mechanisms serve as the solution to the problem of port scanning and...

discussion Addiction&Dependency

Title Name Institution Date In the substance abuse word, the use of alcohol and drugs uncontrollably, without consideration of its harmful effects is referred to as addiction, while dependence is relying on either drugs or alcohol to cope with the daily life or feel good, therefore, when the human brain gets used to the drug’s effects, physical dependence takes place and develops endurance. An individual will use the drug excessively to retain the good effect, therefore, preventing the painful withdrawal effects like restlessness, difficulty to sleep and serious joint and muscle pain. There are several factors that predispose a person to substance abuse, some of which include; stress...

Write a Learning Story of Sohum

2305050-208915005283202105660Quote Games are what keep me going as a baby, arranging these things is an absolute fun for someone like me -Baby Sohum 00 Quote Games are what keep me going as a baby, arranging these things is an absolute fun for someone like me -Baby Sohum 27432003893820Sohum (20 months) 00Sohum (20 months) 5334003987800Child’s Name Child’s age 00Child’s Name Child’s age 515620034759900533400631444000 2847975bottomBaby, today I saw you play. You do not look like a toy baby, but again you come out as one of the best kids I have ever seen. Your eyes show immense love within you which make you so playful. As a baby, you need to play and have as much fun as...