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Aboriginal Law

Aboriginal Law Student’s Name Institutional affiliation Date Abstract Canada is a country that comprises of a diverse combination of people, there the immigrants who are the majority made up of the whites and then the aboriginals who were there before the whites came in. This group of aboriginals is made of a few who were initial inhabitants of the land. Currently, the law treats everyone equal, and there were the thoughts of a few scholars who wanted the aboriginal law implemented. This law would see treating the immigrants differently before the law. These people had in mind the inside needs of the group who were initially there that they should have the upper hand before the...

Investigative Essay

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date A career as a Pharmacist In general, pharmacists deal with drugs or medication. They often know a lot about medicine and can usually make prescriptions by just assessing the symptoms on an individual. I found that interesting because there are many people I know who have developed complications from being given the wrong medication in their quest to seek more affordable treatment alternatives. By becoming a pharmacist, I will be able to assist such individuals and many others to get the correct and truly less expensive drugs. By definition, pharmacists, also referred to as chemists, are healthcare professionals who practice pharmacy – a...

Effect of pain reduction using Acupuncture for Women in Labour

Effect of Pain Reduction Using Acupuncture for Women in Labour Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Effect of Pain Reduction Using Acupuncture for Women in Labour The need for effective pain management interventions during childbirth cannot be overemphasizedCITATION Pai14 l 2057 (Lally, Thomson, MacPhail, & Exley, 2014). Herein, a systematic review topic on the effectiveness of acupuncture in pain reduction for women in labour is formulated and it encompasses a research question, clinical justification, and relevance to Chinese medicine. Research Topic and Question The systematic review topic is formulated following the PICOS (Patients, Interventions, Comparators, Outcomes, Study...

Material Summery

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Title Date of Submission Material Summary 1. Re-imagination, Prelude to the afternoon of a faun An arrangement in the setting of 18 pieces jazz orchestra. Claude Debussy is one of my favorite composers, and I am deeply inspired by his composition Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune. In the original composition, Debussy did a perfect illustration of Mallarme's poem. However, my inspiration for writing this arrangement were the feelings of me hearing the piece time after time in the Symphony Hall in Boston, one of the most famous music venue in the States. I felt the entire orchestra is...

What the government is hiding from the people about the deep state and how can we prevent it.

STUDENT’S NAME PROFESSOR'S NAME COURSE NUMBER DATE The Deep State The term "Deep state" a Turkish phrase meaning ‘derin devlet’ was coined in Turkey. Secrecy and surveillance characterise this invisible or shadow government. The government is hiding the existence of the deep state that is involved in manipulating the government policy because of the powerful and wealthy forces who are behind it. The deep state has made it impossible for elected leaders to deliver their campaign promises. According to the (Judicial Watch 3), the deep state includes" political appointees, civil servants, liberal media, and private contractors who exercise control and run the government no matter who is...

Paraphrasing for On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

Student’s Name: Professor’s Name: Subject: Date: Civil disobedience The government overworks the majority of the population, in capacity only comparable to machines rather than humans. These men constitute all the departments and tasks available. They are the soldiers, the emergency response team, prison wardens, prominent people guards, and all the other posts you can imagine. Although in all these, they are rewarded, it is not adequate or an equivalent of what they deserve. They have no much difference with the stones and the wood, which all are used to serve masters. Like slaves, they are obligated to command, commands that have no, regard whatsoever of their dignity and worth as human...

Living Independent

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Living Independent The capability to live independently and prolifically is something that not everyone can manage. Independence is a critical aspect of survival especially in the contemporary world, which entails struggling for limited resources. Learning to support yourself is essential for the realization of personal goals, especially financial independence. When people live independently, they gain essential skills related to the achievement of economic freedom (Smith 1). Living alone indicates the ability to work and earn wages. These remunerations not only boost the capacity of meeting personal needs but also prepare people for the...

Examine the significance of setting in a play with actual example(s) from our reading list.

Name Professor Course Date Importance of setting in the short story "A sound of thunder" by Ray Bradbury. In this short story, the author builds his story around characters who can travel through time. Bradbury understood that the setting of a story plays a significant role in helping readers to understand character behaviors and their society. In this play, the character travels through times to hunt prehistoric creatures like a dinosaur. Characters in this story interact on the subject of time travel, through Bradbury description of the past, we can see the effect of minor action like killing a butterfly. Understanding that slight alteration of events in the past can cause the catastrophic...

State why I should work as a correctional officer

Name Tutor Course Date Why I Should Be Hired From my understanding of the correctional officer position, the job entails working with inmates in detention centers. To perform this job effectively, an officer must possess interpersonal skills that are instrumental in maintaining safety and keeping order (Udechukwu 82). I consider myself as the most suitable candidate for this position because I possess all these interpersonal skills. For a correctional officer, speaking and listening skills are of utmost importance since they act as the channels through which communication flows from and to the inmates. I have excellent communication skills that make me a suitable candidate for this position....