Complusive Shopping ( Consumerism)

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Complusive Shopping ( Consumerism)

Category: Annotated Bibliography

Subcategory: Human Services

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Annotated Bibliography (Compulsive Shopping)
Mikołajczak-Degrauwe, Kalina, and Malaika Brengman. “The influence of advertising on compulsive buying—the role of persuasion knowledge.” Journal of behavioral addictions 3.1 (2013): 65-73.
The journal article on “The influence of advertising on compulsive buying – The role of persuasion knowledge” seeks to analyze how advertising can influence compulsive shopping. To study the effect and the relationship between the two variables the researchers used an online survey. The study participants consisted of 582 Belgian consumers. The study results evidenced that “that positive attitudes towards advertising can lead to compulsive behavior.” Notably, the article is credible and is relevant for research purpose since it is NCBI approved. Moreover, the information is up to date.
Bighiu, Georgiana, Adriana Manolică, and Cristina Teodora Roman. “Compulsive buying behavior on the internet.” Procedia Economics and Finance 20 (2015): 72-79.
In this article, the researchers sought to establish whether compulsive buying behavior exists among the online purchasers, in particular, the Romanian Students. The study made use questionnaires which were distributed to 100 students. The investigation revealed that compulsive buyers are majoritarian women. The article is credible for research purposes since well-known authors and a reputable institution, Elsevier has approved it. Furthermore, it has necessary b…

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