Comparison between the British Industrial Revolution as well as the American and French political revolutions.

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Comparison between the British Industrial Revolution as well as the American and French political revolutions.

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Comparison of British, American and French Revolution
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Revolution refers to a transformative and radical change. The act of revolution has been central in forming the present modern world. Often, revolution involves a movement that is commonly violent and of which has decided to cause the downfall of an old regime to bring changes in elementary institutions of the society. Despite the terrible human, social, and monetary costs, the British industrial, American, and French political revolutions achieved in propelling the idea of ideal equality and democracy far beyond the boundaries set by the ruling class.
Major innovations, the revolting process, and the overall impact on the western society have been catalyzed by the necessities of the market economies with consideration of, for instance, the security of ownership in claims of properties. The British industrial revolution was significantly a technological revolution (Allen, 2009). With lack of secure property rights, the in-charge agents were limited with the abilities to fulfill and enter contractual obligations due to threats. In most instances, claims to be property have been braved by revolts. Besides that, the French political revolution was largely propelled by the tithe, taxes, and feudal dues that took the rising and large proportion of the peasant’s income as the inflation rates made a reduction in the value of the remainder. Similarly, the American and French poli…

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