Comparing and contrasting the Theme and imagery of the poems Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins and Design by Robert Frost

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Comparing and contrasting the Theme and imagery of the poems Pied Beauty by Gerard Manley Hopkins and Design by Robert Frost

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Composition

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Course title:
Contrast and comparison of imagery and themes.
Imagery involves the use figurative language in place of actions, objects and ideas in a way that is appealing to our senses. Imagery helps one to create a visual representation of an idea in mind. As such, to have excellent imaging, figures of speech such as simile, personification, metaphor and onomatopoeia needed. Themes are the main ideas or the underlying meanings of literary works that might be stated either directly or indirectly. There are two types of items that are the major themes and minor issues. Major issues are the ideas that writers repeat in their work, making them the most central ideas in literary works. Small items are those ideas that appear briefly and give way to other minor themes in literary work. As such this essay will look into the differences and the similarities of the topics from the two poems and the imagery displayed in the poem.
In both poems, imagery is exploited by the poets. Through the two poems, there is the use of the two colours create an image to us of the occurrences of the situations in the poem. The two colour in the poem design is black and white. Black creates to us an image of purity of both the spider and the flower. More importantly, it explains to us why with so much pureness the spider had to feed for the month, bringing about the aspect of the dark colour in the story which was the death of the moth. On the other poem Pied Beauty, t…

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