communication infrastructure in India

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communication infrastructure in India

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Communication in India
Technology has significantly changed the way people communicate in India. With a rapid increase in population, it has become essential to have methods of communication that are reliable and efficient. The adoption of technology in India’s communication infrastructure has helped to enhance efficiency. Although there are various mediums of communication used in India, the internet is the fastest growing, and it has revolutionized the way people communicate.
Technology, through the use of the internet, has made the communication to be instantaneous. The internet makes it possible to receive information as soon as it has been sent. Many people in India have adopted the use of the internet as a tool of communication due to its immediacy nature. The number of internet users in India in 2018 is estimated to be approximately 500 million (Agarwal 11). Trends in communication infrastructure in India show that people prefer using mediums that are extremely fast and that allows them to communicate and receive feedback almost immediately.
Increased use of internet in India has also corresponded with a decline in the use of other channels such as television and newspapers. The internet makes people receive information much faster than other traditional means of communication. For instance, a person can learn about a news event from social media before they can access it on other traditional media such as …

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