Columbia exchange, French and Indian war, King Fillips’s war, Battle of new orleans, Mexican-and American war

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Columbia exchange, French and Indian war, King Fillips’s war, Battle of new orleans, Mexican-and American war

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

HistoryThe Colombian exchange also known as the Grand exchange was the widely spread transfer of plants, human populations, culture, animals, technology and ideas. This happened between the Afro-Eurasian and American hemispheres during the 15th and 16th centuries. Communicable diseases were a byproduct at that time although it was unlikely to be unintentional. The contact between these two hemispheres influenced the development between new crops and a wide variety of livestock which in turn led to the growth of population. The traders from Europe carried home crops like maize, tomatoes and potatoes and these were very important crops in the continent by 18th century. Europeans brought peanut and manioc to West Africa and Asia where they grew well in soils that otherwise did not produce large harvests. A writer Alfred W. Crosby was the first person to use this term in his book ‘The Colombian Exchange’ and it was rapidly adopted by journalists and other historians and this made it so popular.
The exchange of livestock initially went through one route, that is, from Europe to the New World. This was because the Eurasians had domesticated many more animals like the pigs, mules, horses and donkeys. The introduction of horses to the Americas changed a life of many especially those in mountains. European exploration further led to the discovery of quinine, the first ever malaria treatment that was a disease that was suffered by most European…

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