(CIVIL RIGHTS) The Little Rock Nine enter white public school, Sit-ins begin, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr, John F. Kennedy, Elizabeth Eckford

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(CIVIL RIGHTS) The Little Rock Nine enter white public school, Sit-ins begin, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr, John F. Kennedy, Elizabeth Eckford

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 275

The Civil Right
Important facts about The Little Rock Nine enter white public school to study
The primary action of the American civil right movement was to make sure that the nine students join the white central high school at a little rock. Despite the opposition they got from the white student, the enrolled as the first black student to be in white school. They had a lot of determination and strength to face all the challenges they would encounter during the studying period. Before the start of their school year, the students were given the counseling on how to deal with surrounding hostility, and that where they got the name the little rock nine.
The most important thing is that the student had a lot of hope for a successful academic year. However, after their arrival they were harassed by the angry mob of the white student, the star formerly all the white high school in little rock dent. The citizens were very determined to stop the mixing but could not attain their determination (George, 57). Nevertheless, due to the threats that the student got, the government of the area intervened ordering the soldiers not to allow the nine students to enter the school. The student were very desperate that they even lost hope to continue with their education.
The important fact is that, after all the embarrassment and shame the nine students underwent, they were later honored by so many people and even the king. On the graduation day of one …

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