children are learning to use computers at a very large age. what are some effect positive or negative that computers can have on intellectual development of children ?

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children are learning to use computers at a very large age. what are some effect positive or negative that computers can have on intellectual development of children ?

Category: Analysis Essay

Subcategory: Bioengineering

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Technological development has meant an increasingly broad application of computers to the various areas of our lives. As a discipline, there has been an innovative approach to the inclusion of computers to education. Arguably, the inclusion of computers to the education systems has had the most impact on the earliest stages of learning in early childhood education. Here, innovative solutions that help children in the preliminary stages of cognitive development have played a significant role, both beneficial and detrimental, on their intellectual development.
At this stage of development, computers are beneficial to children as they help fulfill their interest in learning new aspects around them. The wealth of knowledge wielded by computers is likely to offer an escape from curiosity. Similarly, the ability to use a computer involves interaction with relatively complex logical processes. This translates into an enhanced ability by such children when handling cognitive demands that may be taxing on their brains. The advantage is especially apparent when in comparison with children who had no access to computers during their formative years (Lauricella 14).
On the other hand, access to computers may be harmful to a child’s cognitive development in various ways. For instance, some scholars claim that the neural stimulation from computer use may overwhelm a child’s nervous system causing limited growth of some parts of the brain. Computer …

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