Chapter 20 Assignment

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Chapter 20 Assignment

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Responsibilities of Nurses in Primary Care
Mary is the RN or the charge nurse. She is the senior in the senior having worked in different units within the hospital and for seven years as an RN. Mary will play the following responsibilities: Mary will give total care to patients #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6. She will also be in charge of clinical supervisions in the hospital (Flinter, Margaret, et al. 3). Under her guidance, the ENs can administer the vaccination to the patient. She will also administer medication and immunization. She educates patients on their conditions. She will also coordinate the flow of patients and give telephonic advice. She will build a good working relationship with her team.
John who is also an RN though being a new graduate share almost the same responsibilities as Mary, however, he is a junior to Mary and therefore must take subordinate roles. He assists Mary in accepting the responsibility of an RN.
Sarah a licensed practical nurse, will play the following roles in this situation under primary health care model; she will be responsible for giving primary ambulatory care and follow up for the patients #6. Sara will also provide rehabilitative care for recovering patient # 3 and #4. Licensed practical nurses are also responsible for caring for the patients that suffer from chronic illness, psychological counselling and conduct minor surgery on patients that require them (Freud, Tobias, et al. 07). Amy as a certi…

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