chapter 16 questions

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chapter 16 questions

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Question and Answers
What is the difference between tacit and explicit learning?
Tacit learning is where children learn through observation and assisting adults. Explicit learning entails finding and enrolling in community activities. In this context, children engage in social, play, leisure, or structured activities with their peers in the community or neighborhood (Case-Smith and O’Brien 462).
What is defined as a characteristic that enables a person to engage in goal-directed, self-regulated, autonomous behavior? This quality has also been identified as a factor that promotes independent community living.
Answer: Self-determination (Case-Smith and O’Brien 462)
Josh, a seventeen year old diagnosed with a TBI as result of an MVA, has a goal of transitioning to independent living. His apartment will have its own washer and drier. What activity to support meal preparation is reasonable to expect him to complete, given appropriate accommodations and supports?
If Josh is suffering from decreased overall cognitive ability due to TBI, he could benefit from an activity that simplifies tasks like getting used to the kitchen again using pictures that direct him.
Sasha, a 13 year old diagnosed with spina bifida, has always been creative. She designs and sews clothes for her friends, who pay her a small sum for her work. Sasha wants to save her money to buy a more advanced sewing machine. She also donates some of her cl…

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