Chapter 10 questions

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Chapter 10 questions

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Construction

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Chapter 10 Questions
What is cognition?
Cognition refers to the knowledge that can be consciously brought to the attention of the learner (Jackman et al. 103).
What is declarative knowledge?
The explicit knowledge that one can be conscious about.
What is procedural knowledge?
Information acquired and used to adapt to environmental demands (Jackman et al. 103).
What is metacognition?
Individual’s knowledge concerning their own cognitive processes (Jackman et al. 104).
What is metacognitive knowledge?
One’s awareness of the learning and task performance cognitive processes that are employed.
What is self-regulation?
Strategies employed and controllable by the learner. (Jackman et al. 107).What are cognitive strategies?
Strategies consciously employed by the learner to facilitate memorization.
Are performance-based approaches to intervention considered to be top-down or bottom-up approaches?
Top-down approaches (Jackman et al. 106).
List the five stages of problem-solving, according to Luria (1961):
Problem definition, producing solving ideas, testing the ideas, choosing among the ideas and developing a plan for action (Jackman et al. 106).
What is scaffolding?
Instructional strategies that instill stronger and greater understanding in the process of learning.What is discovery learning?
It is an evaluation of an individual’s task performance and reflection on his/her areas of weakness and strength.

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