Case study 5

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Case study 5

Category: Case Study

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Women who suffer from bipolar conditions are less likely to have an appropriate plan for motherhood compared to those with stable mental health in a community. This state exposes them to many risks such as stigma, illnesses, and financial constrains than the healthy women during their pregnancy period (Megnin et al. 746). However, there are some services that can help them overcome these risks or improve their condition during the pregnancy period. Though scarce, these services are always available to most communities. The first service which is available for Mary in the community is the prenatal screening offered by obstetric and mental health services in the community hospitals. This helps in identifying any issues related to pregnancy complications. It also helps in putting up a plan to address factors such as mental health management, medication support, diet management, and even access to clinical services. These are factors that come with a pregnancy complication, and the services are available to the community.

Also, pharmacological interventions for women such as Mary are available in the local community health institutions (Hodgkinson et al. 117). Such women are exposed to psychotropic medications that include antidepressants, antipsychotics, anti-anxiety, and mood stabilizers. These are medications for managing bipolar conditions so that the reasoning capability of these women can be restored as this is a crucial factor in managing pregnancy (Van et al. 499). Othe…

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