Caring for the Elder with Impairments in Hearing and Vision

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Caring for the Elder with Impairments in Hearing and Vision

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Health

Level: Academic

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Hearing and vision impairments’ care for the elderly
Hearing and vision impairments’ care for the elderly
Nursing assessment is the collection of information about a patient, including their basic data such as age, weight, height, and place of birth, and physiological, sociological, psychological, and spiritual data. This information helps the nurses to come up with an effective care plan for the patient. Nursing assessment is important for all suspected conditions, including those that come with the old age, for example, hearing and vision-related problems. Such an evaluation requires the use of specific screening tools and diagnostic procedures, which are specific to the condition being examined. This paper aims to discuss nursing assessment procedures for vision and hearing problems, the different conditions, and the evaluation processes followed.
Nursing Assessment
Nursing assessment is important to determine the level of hearing and vision loss an elderly person has. It helps the medical practitioners to create a sustainable care plan that helps the old cope with the changes they experience at that time. The nurses also get the information they require to guide the family members on the ways they should handle the elderly. When screening for hearing loss, nurses use whispered voices, clock ticks, and finger-rub techniques to determine the intensity of the problem. They also use varying distance voices to evaluate the response …

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