California Native Americans

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California Native Americans

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Name of Student
History 139
Spring 2015
Dr. Robert Miller
California Native Americans
The history of California is richly dominated by its inhabited aboriginals. California as a part of America differs in its nature of history as the land was being inhabited by some ethnic indigenous Americans and a large number of immigrants were added later on. Thus, the diversified population of California expanded the boundary of history to 10,000 years by time (Kroeber 38). The migrated people came to California either to escape mishap or to try their fortune. On the contrary, the aboriginals of California lived a plentiful life. The interesting point of California history is it simultaneously more or less reflects the history of entire North American West coast part. California itself used to be a different existence as it was divided into more than hundred tribal group speaking of same number of different languages. They respected the nature and its capacity, followed specific religious dogma and social norms. Basically, they survived by doing the necessary. Many studies concentrated on the Indians of California to explore beyond the romantic stories related to them and most importantly the methods of their successful survival till the Europeans invaded.
It should be mentioned that Spaniards may be the reason of popularizing California, but much before them some adventurous Asians came to this land via Bering Straits. Their descendants scattered through and settled in North Ame…

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