Business continuity

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Business continuity

Category: Math Problems

Subcategory: IT Technology

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Business Continuity Plan
Institution Affiliation
The paper talks about some of the risks that were experienced in the Engro firm after the occurrence of the fire outbreak in the head office. For instance, some of these risks were the losses experienced such as the documents that were burned and some of the difficulties that the company might have gone through as a result of these loses. The main aim of business continuity has also been discussed as well as the things that were omitted since the ERP was not applied. And also the paper has explained the issues concerning the reasons why the organization deviated from the application of the Business Continuity plan and why they negated the use of the Enterprise Resource Planning. The overall plan and its implementation have also been discussed as well as the lesson that an individual can learn from the Engro organization and the disaster that they encountered in the head office.
Keywords: risks, documents, losses, ERP, business continuity plan.

What were the risks faced by Engro after the fire had left its head office in ruins?
The documents lost in the fire brought a lot of effects on various things. For instance, there were worries from the auditors that the company might breach the statutory provisions in the ordinance of the Companies that are relating to the minimum period that a publicly-listed company’s records that were required to be retained (Ahmed, 2009). Everything was destroyed by the fir…

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