Brain Plasticity.#2(R.M)

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Brain Plasticity.#2(R.M)

Category: Term paper

Subcategory: Social Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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The human brain is designed to change form and function in response to changes in experiences, thoughts, habits, and behavior. Neuroplasticity is crucial in the study of why humans exhibit various behaviors. Reorganization of the neural circuitry takes place each time there is a change in behavior or experience (Kolb, Gibb & Robinson, 2003). Changes in the brain neuronal pathways can imprint either healthy or negative habits in humans (Kolb, Gibb & Robinson, 2003). Healthy habits are optimistic and contribute to the growth and development of the brain. A typical example is the decision to remain calm even when under immense pressure or stress.
Most mental disorders which affect humans are related to neuroplasticity, and they include depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. Behavioral changes of the neural circuity can lead to addiction especially if there is repetition. In the long run, this leads to more advanced psychiatric and neurological disorders such as Stroke. Therapists can use the knowledge acquired from neuroplasticity to treat most neurological disorders (Johansson, 2000). The fact that the brain can remodel itself means that neuroplasticity is reversible. Rerouting of the neurons entails reverting the brain to its normal operations (Kleim & Jones, 2008). However, this can only be achieved through targeted behavioral training.
Neuroplasticity makes the brain dynamic, flexible…

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