biography on Walter Christaller

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biography on Walter Christaller

Category: Biography essay

Subcategory: Geography

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Professor’s Name
Walter Christaller and the Central Places Theory
In this essay, we aim to provide some biographical facts about Walter Christaler as a way to understand the role he played in modern geography. Also, we intend to explain his central places theory in a jargon-free way that can be easily understood.
Walter Christaller Biography. Walter Christaller was born in 1893 in Berneck, Germany. He studied philosophy and political economics. After pursuing a variety of occupations, he returned to his studies and published his most famous dissertation “The Central Places in Southern Germany”. In that dissertation, he explained and developed his theory of the central places. During the World War II, he joined the Nazi party, and helped Himmler on planning, and reconfiguring the economic geography of Germany, and the conquered areas. After the war, Christaller turned to the geography of tourism and used his theory to restructure the Federal Republic of Germany. Christaller died in Jugenheim, Germany in 1969. (NNDB 1)
Central Places Theory. The Central Place theory aims to explain the size, and to space of human settlements. This includes cities and towns as a function of people’s economic activities. Before Christaller, geographers had discovered the function of cities, and towns as a market; traffic, or administrative centers. This results in a hierarchical system of settlements separated by their role…

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