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Reasons why defendants plead guilty

Why Defendants Plead Guilty To Crimes They Didn’t Commit Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Code Date Regina Kelly hails from Hearne, Texas. She was arrested under the allegations that she was found in a drug sweep. She, however, stood up to John Paschall, who was then Robertson County District Attorney. The fact that she was able to defend herself is a source of inspiration to many. Her arrest was as a result of a confidential informant who was paid to at least get 20 individuals following an issue federal grant for drug execution and that there was the need for arrests. Thus, the informant simply pointed out 28 people, in which nearly all of them inhabited near Kelly’s housing...

PPC … It Ain’t Just For The Big Boys

Name: Tutor’s name: Course number: Date: Pay Per Click Advertising From a look at three popular online marketing service providers; AdWords, Oath and Bing Ads; there are some differences such as; Bing is the cheapest with the most limited reach of the three while Google ads are the simplest regarding use and functionality. Also, Bing lacks the negative keywords functionality used by both AdWords and Oath. Arguably, Google AdWords has the lion’s share of web traffic estimated at 67% of the market share (Grewal 6). On the other hand, the combined strength of Yahoo-owned Oath and Bing Ads commands the rest of the market share especially in regions where Google is either banned or merely...


Name: Tutor’s name: Course number: Date: Case Study One From an initial look at Amber’s lifestyle and activity cycle, it is apparent that she is often subjected to above-average stress levels. As a chemical engineer, her routine is rife with stressful aspects, and this may have prompted her inclination towards athletic activities as a venting mechanism. These activities seem to be her preferred coping mechanism which she has developed and maintained over time. In aiding her path to recovery, questions which may be of relevance include; whether she is concerned with societal conformity, whether she feels the stress of work and what are her expectations in romantic relationships. Answering...

science in the media

Science and Media Name of the Student Professor’s Name Science and Media Q1. Whenever I hear the word "Scientist" I relate them as a power of innovation. I view Scientists with great awe and respect. It is because them we are finding solutions to various problems, which exists in this world and this society. Whether it is a field of clinical sciences or technological sciences, scientists have created a revolution, all across the world. Without the innovative power of scientists we could not have even imagined, the "apps" or an "i-phone". The eradication of small pox and inventions of newer interventions to cure a diseased individual has come from the relentless will power and knowledge of...

bioengineer’s discourse community

Name of the Student Professors Name Biology 18th November 2015 Bioengineer’s Discourse Community: Editorial Board of “Nature” journal A discourse community is defined as a group of individuals who share common interests, goals and procedural approach to meet specific mission. Hence, these people have a common language of interacting between themselves. Such language does not merely mean communication, but the feelings, thoughts, emotions and deliverables with respect to a particular needful is common. These communities are formed to help or aid in a social cause or scientific cause, which may help in development of community or prevent harm to a community or improve the quality...

Variation and selection in the MM21 origami bird

Variation and Selection in the MM21 Origami Bird Background The Hardy-Weinberg principle states that gene frequencies in a population remain constant while the genotype frequency of a population becomes the first generation of random mating. However, this situation is not obeyed and both gene frequencies and genotype frequencies are subjected to change under the effects of mutation, natural selection, reproductive fitness and random drift in individuals of a population (Turchin, 2001). Natural selection occurs at individual levels when such...

Poor Oral Health May Cause Cardiovascular Diseases

Poor Oral Health May Cause Cardiovascular Disease Name: Unit: Course: Professor: Submission Date: Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Introduction: General Overview PAGEREF _Toc437246853 h 3Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc437246854 h 4Discussion PAGEREF _Toc437246855 h 9Risk factors PAGEREF _Toc437246856 h 10Obstacles to quality oral healthcare PAGEREF _Toc437246857 h 12Prevention and Control PAGEREF _Toc437246858 h 12Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc437246859 h 14Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc437246860 h 15References PAGEREF _Toc437246861 h 16 Introduction: General OverviewAccording to Dolce, Haber & Shelley (2012) oral terminology refers to mouth; gums, teeth and mouth supporting tissues....

Present a Genetic Disease

Name: Professor: Title: Date: Present a Genetic Disease Introduction Haemophilia is a hereditary genetic disease which impairs the function of blood clotting in the body. Blood clotting often assists in stopping excessive bleeding when a vessel is ruptured. The most common type of the disorder is type A which is found in every 1 in between 5000 to 10000 males. Type B of the disorder is found in 1 of every 20000 to 34000 males (Bowen 128). Signs and symptoms Symptoms for the disorder include external and internal bleeding periods, and this depends on the severity of the conditions. Individuals with harsh haemophilia often have frequent bleeds compared to those who have mild haemophilia...

Telomere length loss due to smoking and metabolic traits

Telomere Length Loss Due To Smoking and Metabolic Traits Name Course Institution Introduction The telomere is an intrinsic part of the chromatid that helps it to absorb fusion and sustain integrity and stability. Evidently, the telomere contains numerous nucleotides at the end of chromosomes preventing it from deterioration with neighboring tissues. Analysis assert that when the telomere shortens, they die accruing danger to the chromosomes (Blackburn & Epel, 2012). Therefore, their role in body tissues is crucial an indication that they must be considered to ensure the well-being of an individual. In a more critical review, the telomere protects genetic data making it easy for the cells...