Assessment Updated

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Assessment Updated

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Other

Level: Masters

Pages: 15

Words: 4125

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Discourse Analyses
The following part analyzes the six discourse phenomena that exist in the world of communication. Different discourses have different concepts that users and the society can relate to their daily activities. Understanding the essential attributes of the discourse implies that users will have clear guidance on the reflective language. They provide a platform upon which better understanding of concepts and lecture content can take place. The six discourse phenomena in the discussion include:
Lexical Chains Phenomena
Lexical chains refer to words in a sequence, which span short or long distances. Ideally, lexical words are independent of grammatical structures. The effects of the text sprout from the cohesiveness of the text and its structure. The lexical chain provides a convenient context for the resolution of texts and the identification of the term that it represents. The use of lexical chains ensures that an audience captures the ideal details of a statement as it eliminates incidences of understanding a word for it is not (Silber and McCoy 2002; p. 490). A typical example of a lexical chain is “Inhabitant, Resource- web.” Thus, lexical chains can be applied in many functions to help individuals grasp essential information in the shortest time possible. Barzilay and Elhadad (1999; p. 112) explain that the motivation for using lexical chains is to ensure that a computatio…

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