Article No 7

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Article No 7

Category: Article Review

Subcategory: Ethics

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Library code of ethics

Library code of ethics
Every profession has complicated and pertinent standards necessary for admission into their job and needs to achieve public confidence. To break down to librarians who also need some guidelines for dealing with behaviors. The instructions contribute to what is called codes of ethics that focuses on governing the conduct of a person in a workplace. The following is a review of the systems of ethics in a library association and discusses their importance to workers and the organization.
Librarians have been facing several dilemmas in workplace ethics since with evolution of technology even the manner of interactions is affected. From the article we find that it is the librarians who got relevant skills to access information from databases, they are required to maintain high moral ethics (Byrd, Devine, & Corcoran, 2014). There have been questions about user fees and challenges associated with equal rights to information access. The article has vividly brought out the need for librarians to offer information which are updated and of good quality to users which is possible when proper resources are available in the library.
Librarians need to be more vigilant and secretive in sharing vital information with the clients. For example, it would be fascinating if you visit a library then ask them that how can a bomb be set then they give that information (Byrd et al., 2014). Librarians on the refere…

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