Application letters

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Application letters

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Application Letter

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Tradition and Transition: Changes and Choices (Goodbye Tradition)
Traditions are a vital aspect of society as they facilitate the building of resilient relationships between generations. They usually entail various societal facets related to customs, ceremonies, and philosophies conveyed athwart generations. Although traditions help people gain a sense of belonging, some behaviors have to be challenged or questioned to promote change in society. It is worth to note that legendary revolutionists such as Martin Luther King challenged some ferocious customs in society to impart a real difference in society. Traditions influence our attitudes, behaviors, and structures. Likewise, transitionary aspects such as the digital revolution affect most aspects of life.
In the wake of digitalization, the aspects of tradition and transition entail significant tension and contradiction. The ISWI 2019 motto helps us to recognize the interdependence between traditions, changes, and choices. It also encourages a profound analysis and awareness with regard to the culture and transition. People in the modern world are embracing new facets and making innovative choices. Although change indicates progression, the ISWI 2019 serves to question whether these adoptions are good by tradition or they might rid of culture in some instances.
ISWI conferences act as satellites that allow students to display their full range of skills. I would li…

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