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Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Anti- Legalization Of Drugs
The first argument for legalization of drugs that I disagree with is that legalization of drugs will boost revenues of a country. The fact that drugs trade is illegal in almost all countries in the world creates guilt in the traders who often fear shipping drugs in the open because they risk being locked behind the bars were they to do so. As a result, there will be no revenues in form of taxes got by the government when the drugs are imported or exported. Economies, who compile the revenues from various items that give rise to the total GDP of a country, cite the exclusion income from illegal businesses like drug trafficking as a major challenge to the accuracy of the results of the income. Admittedly, the drug trade has and will never be a source of income for any nation.
Even if the use of drugs were to be legalized, the drug barons would still evade tax payment because most of these people engage in the business of selling drugs for selfish motives. Pushed by their desire to become very rich over a short period, it will be hard for such unscrupulous people to pay faithfully taxes. The society will also require a long period to transit from their present view of considering drug trade as an illegal thing to being a legitimate one. Following such reasons, both the drug users and the drug sellers will do most of their trade in private. This situation will consequently lead to lack the transparency required for the b…

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