answering the questions

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answering the questions

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Information Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Interviewing and Counselling
One of the things that were a bit different in the intake session is the fact that, during the introduction of the interview, the interviewer does not mention her role in the session. She goes ahead and asks the client to explain what brought him to the facility before she tells him how she could help him regarding the situation (Rose). Mentioning the role gives the interviewer an opportunity to explore the client’s biases and expectations concerning the interview. In this case, for instance, describing the interviewer’s role at the beginning of the session may help establish a better relationship between the client and the therapist since the interviewee gets a chance to know the kind of help they will obtain regarding their condition.
The moment where the counselor connects with the client most is towards the end of the interview whereby the client explains that his behavior is shameful. As the client explains this, the counselor incorporates body language whereby she nods as a sign that she understands what he is saying (Rose). She also lowers her tone when asking questions at this point which signifies that she is empathetic about the client situation. Another, incident, where the client and the counselor seem to connect, is when Anne says that “it shows that you are extremely willing” this means that the two have connected in their conversation to the point that the client has shown interest in get…

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