Answer the questions

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Answer the questions

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Answers to the Questions
In the first paragraph, Smiler writes that she is “convinced that all men are trifling.” Does this seem like a fair generalization? How does this statement fit in with the overall tone of her essay?
In the first paragraph of the article, it is clear that Smiler – the author believes that “all men are trifling.” However, that is not a fair generalization given the fact that the author does not have any credible statistics to make such a grave accusation. In addition, the statement “all men are trifling” fits with the overall tone of the article. This is because the author expounds on a wide scope of factors that have led to phenomena being discussed and analyzed in the article.
What kind of behavior does Smiler describe in paragraph 5? How does it support her overall point?
The fifth paragraph describes the behavior of clubbing irresponsibly. The paragraph, therefore, supports the overall point of the article. The paragraph showcases how magazines have a way of influencing the mind of a young person and end up living an irresponsible life. For instance, the author openly admits that after reading the magazine it affected his mindset to the point of having the urge to go clubbing.
What connection does Smiler make between men’s magazines and the “glass ceiling” for successful, professional women?
In the article, the author did spectacular work in establishing a link between m…

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