Answer the following questions, using at least one scholarly reference (and a corresponding in-text citation)

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Answer the following questions, using at least one scholarly reference (and a corresponding in-text citation)

Category: Process Analysis Essay

Subcategory: Physiology

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Human Bones and Skeletal Health: Questions and Response Paper
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The body has approximately 206 bones. You are asked to explain how nutrition and activity can affect bone health.
What are some of the long bones that are found in the upper and lower extremities?
Among the long bones found in the body include the femur and tibia; these bones are the usual ones that receive the most weight of the load carried by the body (MCC, 2010). The growth of these bones could be accounted for to have come from endochondral ossification which is usually controlled by the growth hormones which is the secretion empowered by the pituitary gland.
What are 2 examples of types of flat bones in the body?
Expanded into broad and flattened plates, the flat bones are the usual areas forming the overall casing of the skeleton; giving it form and balance. Among the flat bones present in the human body include the sternum, the pelvis and the rib cage (MCC, 2010). The cranial bones are also noted for being flat which usually involves the emergent construction of the layers of flat tissues that form the skull.
What are some ways to maintain skeletal health and prevent bone loss?
Eating calcium reach resources could help well in preventing bone loss. Most often than not, milk resources [and other dairy products] are rich in this particular nutrient. It would be a best practice to avoid bone-loss if a person becomes more concerned as to how he uses his bones…

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