annotated bibliography revision

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annotated bibliography revision

Category: Scholarship Essay

Subcategory: Computer Science

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Dyson, M. E. (2004). The culture of hip-hop. That’s the joint, 61-68.
Dyson is explaining in his book about hip-hop and rap music, to show how it was valued among the black, Latinos, and white person in America. He says it was associated with the poor black youths and the Latinos in the poor urban districts like those in New York and Chicago. The culture of hip-hop and rap was related to drug abuse, violence and other forms of crime. With such bad attributes, hi-hop was not so appreciated especially by the whites. With time, it started to become popular and loved by all races since efforts to erode it were frustrated by increasing number of hip-hop artist from all races.
The book is analyzing how hip-hop was created, and why it was resented by the whites and some of the blacks but has grown to be the most popular music genres across the globe.
The book is relevant for the research paper. It’s among the sources that speak against the popular music due to the stated above themes that were promoted in the hip-hop music content. It’s a book that makes it an authentic material to be applied to the study.
Ganzel, B. (2007). Music during the 1950s and 60s. Retrieved December 30, 2015, from
Ganzel is explaining the origin and the development of music from the 1950s and starts with the country music. He explains that it claims its roots from the folk songs that were enjoyed by native British, Scottish, and…

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