Analysis on Sunset Boulevard

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Analysis on Sunset Boulevard

Category: Satire Essay

Subcategory: Film and Theater

Level: Academic

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Sunset Boulevard
Sunset Boulevard (1950) is a drama/comedy that has its settings in Boulevard that are located between Beverly Hills and Los Angeles in California. The drama was well composed, and it remains one of the widely watched comedies globally. It exclusively portrays a flashback episode on various events relating to Joe’s life. Notably, the drama revolves around a man by the name “Joe” who is found dead in a swimming pool at his house. His death is depicted at the beginning of the movie. The lead actors in the movie include Joseph Gillis, who is also known as “Joe” and Norma Desmond. Just after the introduction of the movie, there is a flashback accounting for the death of Joe including the possible cause. The movie then progresses with the events that took place around six months before the occurrence of Joe’s death accounting and giving details of what transpired that led to Joe’s sudden death. At the end of the movie, the flashback ends, and reporters including police officers are seen wondering around the scene of incident looking for evidence. This paper gives detailed analysis of the movie titled “Sunset Boulevard (1950)”. It covers details about its design, script writing quality, setting, casting and production.
Thesis statement
It is inevitably justifiable that the major elements of the film that include lighting, costumes, setting, and design among others support it categorization as …

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