Anabolic Steroid Use in Professional Baseball

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Anabolic Steroid Use in Professional Baseball

Category: Exploratory Essay

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

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What would have Kant and Ross thought about the use of Anabolic Steroids
Summarize Kantian Deontology. In Kantian ethics, morals are a priori, which means that nothing mediates it. In that sense, a priori knowledge is not dependent on the experience to exist, nor to explain the phenomena. If morals were a posteriori, they would depend on experience to existing. In that way, if morals depended on knowledge, they would not be universal, and necessary. That would mean that every person would have its set of moral rules, and would not necessarily respect the other. Kantian ethics and theory of morals can be considered deontological. That way, people, act morally as a sense of duty (Kelly 161). In the same way, the German philosopher states that his ethics is not ethics concerning right or wrong. They are more an ethics of intentions. This means that to Kant, the consequences of an action are not truly right or wrong, what makes them such is the motives the person held. Also, he states that there is no such thing as good, without a good will (Kant 12). This good will is what drives our actions and make humans intrinsically good in their actions. That is why, to him the consequences of an act cannot be subsumed in the act of will since that act is always oriented toward good. In that way, good things can be an outcome of actions motivated by desire, or with the aim of hurting someone.
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