American Government

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American Government

Category: Argumentative Essay

Subcategory: Political Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

American Government
“A House Divided” is a documentary written and directed by Shane Smith, Vice Media CEO. The 71 minute somewhat documentary studies the issues created by the growing political polarization of America (Fienberg 1). The film adduces the dispute that political biases that surfaced in 2008, during the presidency of Barack Obama has under Donald Trump’s presidency, attained its rational extreme. Political polarization can be defined as the difference of opinion of political approaches to ideological boundaries (Steinberg 1). Political polarization in the film comes through in the fact that, even though President Obama is the main name on Smith’s interview file, the documentary seems to favor the works of Frank Luntz, a Republican strategist and the former speaker of the House John Boehner. Moreover, the film depicts how there has never been a Democratic legislator who has ever gotten the kind of exposure Boehner had when it came to elucidating how certain parleys crumbled in the first term of Obama’s presidency (Grobar, 1).
Being the first African American president in America, Obama’s term was put under a lot of scrutinies as supporters and nonsupporters conflicted on political matters and their beliefs and values. In addition, I find it very peculiar how some people treated the African-American race as a nonfactor or afterthought and why various individuals were so adamant to work against President Obama. Mo…

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