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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 2

Words: 550

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Advertisement is the way of communicating with the users of various products or services using different media forms such as broadcast notice or prints, with the aim of influencing the behavior of buying. Advertising gives a direct way of communicating with the prospective and existing customers concerning products or services (Krishen et al., 34). Advertising creates awareness about product or services, convince customers, enhance a company’s image, builds a desire to the product and attract customers to the business.
The following are the trends we see in advertising today.
1. Omni-channel marketing-this includes smartphones, internet, TV, brick-and-motor businesses, and magazines. This enables customers to interact with the business in many different ways. The shift has produced a plan of marketing referred to as “Omni-channel” that aims at providing an ideal experience across every channel.
2. More landing pages- landing pages work whereby users draw those white papers and eBooks from the business that offers them and taking something else as an exchange.
3. Out stream videos- It is a type of a new ad format which let publisher to air video ads outer the real video players, for example, the web corners.
4. Google AMP and ALP- This is for faster browsing which doubles the time length of the half of internet users.
5. Marketing automation- It helps to save the time of the employee …

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