Accounting Project

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Accounting Project

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Public Administration

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

IBM Project Evaluation
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IBM Project Evaluation
Due to the ever-changing nature of the business environment, organizations invent and introduce new products into the market. Introduction of new products through innovations will enable the organization to be flexible and respond to needs to the industry in question. In some scenarios, investments in new projects and products require massive financial resources. These resources will ensure that the project implemented runs smoothly for the success of the organization. Before investing in any project, organizations usually analyze various aspects of the project. Some of the factors to consider when investing in any plan includes the cost of the investments. The overall cost of the project in question will affect the financial resources that any organization will invest into any given venture. Apart from the initial investment, another critical factor that most organizations consider before investing in any project is the profitability of the project. For any investment, the most important goal is for the project to generate profits and to return the initial investment in the quickest time possible. The nature of the economy should also be put into consideration. The state of the economy should be one which is favourable for investments (Jagongo & Mutswenje 2014, 100). There are various methods companies use when assessing the viability of a project. For IBM to make a val…

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