A Streetcar Named Desire

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A Streetcar Named Desire

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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A Streetcar Named Desire (scene three)
In the play, Stanley portrays both wise and brutal behaviors. For instance, his brutality is seen when he throws the radio through the window. He then hurls the phone when Eunice refuses to answer. Finally, he comes in to play a sign of brutality when he beats his wife, Stella. Being wise enough, he apologizes to Stella after buttering her and calling her loudly outside the street.
What does Stanley fear?
According to the play, one can argue that it is true that Stanley fears to lose Stella. He would love having Stella around all the time. For instance Stanley when Stella suggest that it is not the time to play, Stanly comes in to reject the plea but rather slaps her buttocks and instruct her to go upstairs to Eunice. Surprisingly, Stanley who now drinks approaches Stella in dance stage and beats her. His fear comes to show when he cannot do without Stella next to him. He tries to call out aloud her wife while necked at the streets. Tries to telephone upstairs in Eunice’s room only to have Stella within his reach.
How Stanley Act With Other To Relieve His Fear?
First it can be argued that Stanley gets drunk so as to best show his puzzling traits over his companion. For instance, he becomes masculine and tries to shut everyone down only when he is drunk. Again his masculine hegemony and authoritative qualities that make him dominate his counterpart is an essential element of alleviating …

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