a preschool teacher whom wants to one day open own childcare facility

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a preschool teacher whom wants to one day open own childcare facility

Category: Business Plan

Subcategory: Military

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Business Plan: Childcare Facility
In this essay, we aim to create a business plan featuring a daycare facility. I have worked in the childcare industry as a preschool teacher for 15 years and having taken the role as a lead teacher, and manager, I hope to run my facility. A business plan is a written description of a company’s future, a document that details the plan, and what the person would do to achieve its goals (Entrepreneur.com). In this plan, we shall feature three main points: Business description; Market analysis; and Executive Summary. That way, I aim to offer a cohesive vision of my plan (Ehmke & Akridge)
Business Description. Our facility (If you have a name in mind, please insert it here) is a daycare facility whose mission is to serve the families as a place where they can leave their kids without fearing something can happen to them. Also, we aim to offer the best education possible, as we consider that initial education is the most important, and to be able to teach children from the start is the best way to create good citizens. The facility aims to offer its prospective customers the competitive advantages of being a home-run business rather than a franchise. The daycare will also be ran by we—trained staff, the thought of their capabilities and training.
Market Analysis. The child care market is competitive in the area (Insert you area). There is a handful of facili…

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