A Place at the Table

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A Place at the Table

Category: Creative writing

Subcategory: Leadership

Level: University

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Instructor’s name:
A Place at the Table
Four comments the film raised for me
The state of Mississippi is comprised of the highest rate of ‘food insecurity, and obesity.
The film does not explain as to why junk food is fattening and cheap, it also does not explain how it is addictive.
If I had the prospect of editing the film, I could have edited the aperture shots of rustic America. The countrified scenes meant to remind everyone of how the state is diving below the exterior.

Things are terrible; why not cut right to fifth-grader Rosie who stays in Colorado in a small house with her sister, mother, and grandparents (A Place At The Table, n.p)?
The three facts that stood out for me are;
Rosie is among the malnourished children in the film which approves that half of the kids in the U.S rely on federal food at some point in their lives.
The United States does not face scarcity of food but inequality of distribution because there is plenty of food to feed the country.
Unresolved issues have been necessitated by political or moral issues that encompass the hunger crisis as illustrated by the film.
“Hunger, it is right here in the United States. It could be right next door and you would never know because people are too afraid to talk about it’ (A Place At The Table, n.p)
– I chose the quote because it talks of the generation that fears to speak up when some parts of the United States are living below the poverty levels without the releva…

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