A critical thinking paper that involves a movie and a book.

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A critical thinking paper that involves a movie and a book.

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Life

Level: College

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

These are two great pieces of art that were made up in the 20th Century; the film is one that came out in 1958, and the book is one which came up later on but did actually get to catch the attention of the society. From that time, they have been regarded as two great pieces of art; they never get old as they did get to describe the society so well. Some of the issues that came out in this two pieces are still contentious even in the current society as well. It is so amazing regarding how they have managed to retain their relevance all the way up to this time in the society. They are all still considered to be representing even the current society as well. They were made then but then they are still relevant, and even they may still end up being relevant to the society in the 22nd Century and all the way up to all other centuries. All those issues that can be pointed out from the said pieces of art are still being experienced and it is so amazing as to how much reflection the writers of the same could have had at that time such that their works are still considered to be very great even up to date as well. These two pieces of art have had the capability to show the current society that is the right path that they should take and which one is the wrong one that they need to make sure that they avoid at all costs.
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