A Comparative Analysis of Slavery

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A Comparative Analysis of Slavery

Category: Process Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

A Comparative Analysis of Slavery

Stanley Elkins’ and James McPherson are Authors who have contributed to writing facts about slavery in the civil war era. In their books, Stanley Elkins’ Slavery and James McPherson interpretation in Ordeal by Fire they have agreed that the real picture of the plight of slaves in Northern America was inhuman. However, they disagreed on many issues.
Keywords: slavery and civil war
A Comparative Analysis of Slavery
The civil war of 1850 was recorded as the most momentous episode in America history. At that time, the co-existence of the United States as one nation was under threat. The war played a role in ensuring that the nation`s ability to bring to terms the ideals of equality, justice, liberty and human dignity was achieved both locally and global.
Different scholars such as Stanley Elkins’ and James McPherson have given a vivid picture of how slavery was during the civil war era. In detail, this analysis will be aimed at comparing different views of these authors. For example, we will focus on Stanley Elkins’ Slavery with James McPherson interpretation in Ordeal by Fire. Both of these authors agree that the real picture of the plight of slaves in Northern America was inhuman. African slaves and Native American were entirely different in terms of language, physical body, birth or culture. Contrary, the only thing they had in common is misfortunes caused by slavery. English cultural an…

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