4.4 Assignment

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4.4 Assignment

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Ethnic

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Steps of Creating an Online Banking Account
Institutional Affiliation
Online banking is a very essential form of banking. Some of the merits if this type of banking include; the secure access of the online account, easy cash transfer from one account to another, saves time, especially when using the Bill Pay, enables paying bills online, and eases the management of the credit card activities (King, 2018). The Bank of America also provides the avenue of online banking, whose registration involves four important stages. This paper, thus, looks at the four stages that are used in the creation of an online bank account with the Bank of America.
The first stage of creating an online bank account with the Bank of America involves visiting the webpage of this bank and clicking on the “Enroll in Online Banking” (Let’s get started, n.d.). This is then followed by the entry of the 6-digits of your personal account and the social security number or the tax identification number before clicking on the “Continue” option. The second stage involves the creation of a unique password and ID. This stage prompts the client to key in his or her preferred password and ID, which will be used for login functions. Once this process is completed, you will then be prompted to press on the “Continue” option. The third stage is that of “security set-up”. This stage prompts the client to choose preferable set-up questions, and their respective responses, which will be used du…

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