1776: Washington’s Narrow Escape, American Society at War and Setbacks for British

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1776: Washington’s Narrow Escape, American Society at War and Setbacks for British

Category: Evaluation Essay

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 2

Words: 1100

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Date1776: Washington’s Narrow Escape
British soldiers had arrived on the Staten Island on July 2, 1776, when the Congress had voted for their freedom. The British vanguard soldier came to take over America and had camped around Newyork harbor for a month. In the effort to conquer American land, Major-general William Howe together with his older brother had mobilized an army of 32000 men by mid – August. To counter the British army, George Washington mobilized his troops some from Boston but could only get amateur soldiers of about 19000 men to Newyork. Washington had an experience of commanding small units of troops, and now it was a big challenge to coordinate a whole army of untrained soldiers against the British army.
Fighting in Newyork and New Jersey
Great Britain colonies had turned rebellious and by taking over New York as a colony would relief New England the pain from the rebellions. British Navy was the most powerful due to its large number and weaponry. Towards the end of August, the British troops started to land on the long island. Washington was leading a poorly equipped and most untrained and afflicted by chicken pox soldiers, but his focus to counter the British attack was unquestionable. On Long Island, George Washington soldiers were conquered, and the few remaining retreated. The retreat was also a tough survival thanks to the natural occurrences of strong winds, fog, and high tides. The natural o…

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